
This page gives you an overview of some of the things we do

Spiritual Consultation Services

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More About Our Services

Exploring tools that encourage more inner self awareness


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An astrology distrubtion chart showing planets, traits, urges within 12 house of astrology. It gives a sense where a lot of your energies centered for private public, and parterships.

We periodically offer public and private videos that will help assist and encourage discussion among our community in regards to ideas around spiritual cultivation, practices, and enlightenment. Please see our membership offer for more details!

We offer consultations to advise, and assist you the best we can in regards to topics like health, vibrations, energy, harmony and wellness on your journey. We assist you by offering recommendations, guides and a wide variety tools of encouragement. We also provide a bonus distraction free private research and study area for members and the community to learn, share, and assist each other with spiritual cultivation and enlightenment. 

Topics Of Study: Ancient Egyptian Systems (KMT), African Philosophy, and Asian Systems like Daoism. Wholistic practices looking at our connections to nature, and universe. We focus on practicality and transformation.


Follow Our Discussions
Spiritual life coaching image post of The Buddha

Tune in to us weekly for our podcast centered around discussing tips, techniques, and conspiracies. Also interesting concepts around health, life, entertainment and spirituality. We try to discuss with a well rounded view of life.  See recent podcast series.

(Our Pillars We Promote)

Nature’s Truth
Knowing Our Inner Nature
Health And Vitality
Positive Behavioral Change
Manifesting With Purpose
Spiritual Principles
Energy Cultivation


Start exploring inner aspects
Picture sale going down a lovely river sunset between mountains

We encourage self reflection, betterment, and overall positive behavioral change. We also offer detailed astrology and numerology reports that complements one’s internal work. We focus on energy, wellness, herbology & inner work. Please see our services section for more details.

Serious requests only.
Nothing is set in stone and adaptation is paramount. For a good starting point before you get into practices or readings.

For inner expansion, balancing, flexibility and spiritual understanding reasons. Please reach out to me for our spiritual reports to help see different aspects of yourself that you may not see, as well as peeking into energy dynamics within yourself and relationships.

I will make you unique hermetical reports looking at the relative precision of energy in your main houses, aspects, midpoints of concern. How harmonious, discordant they are. Your strongest houses, aspects, planets, and weakest houses, aspects, planets. What to look out for and will give you recommendations during the consultation for balancing.



We will offer periodically public and private videos that will help assist and encourage discussion among our community in regards to ideas around spiritual cultivation and realization.

Chat Groups

We have a chatroom for our members to discuss spiritual topics about African Traditional Religions, Kemet, Ancient India, and Taoism etc . Our community is very helpful on the path.

Spiritual Reports

We encourage self reflection, betterment, and overall positive behavioral change. We are offer detailed astrology and numerology reports that complements one internal work.


We like to hold study groups to learn and share different perspectives on a wide range of spiritual topics. The admins will be able to setup meeting rooms for groups to study together.


Tune in to us weekly for our podcast centered around discussing tips, techniques, and conspiracies. Also interesting concepts around health, life, and spirituality.


We share resources with each other. We have a wide range of topics of interest here. We are not just limited to meditation, and herbology. We talk about energy work, healing lifestyle.

Opening Hours

If you need a specialized appointment hours just reach out to us via email.

Monday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Tuesday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Wednesday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Thursday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Saturday: 12:00pm to 4:00pm

Sunday: 12:00pm to 4:00pm